












第一册[zhiku66.com].pdf [9.73MB]

名师精讲笔记 第1册.pdf [36.91MB]


(第1册)美音(MP3+LRC).zip [111.13MB]

(第1册)英音(MP3+LRC).zip [106.87MB]


D001.L1.Excuse me! 如何礼貌地和陌生人搭话.mp4 [158.14MB]

D002.L2 Is this your ……询问东西是否属于某人及肯定回复[zhiku66.com].mp4 [209.16MB]

D003.L3 Sorry,sir. 看场戏还拿错了伞怎么办.mp4 [189.84MB]

D004.L4 Is this your ……询问东西是否属于某人及否定回复.mp4 [200.61MB]

D005.L5 Nice to meet you初次见面如何介绍自己的国籍.mp4 [202.61MB]

D006.L6 What make is it 如何询问车是什么品牌的.mp4 [183.31MB]

D007.L7 Are you a teacher 你是做什么的 你是哪国人.mp4 [252.14MB]

D008.L8 Whats your job 如何询问别人做什么工作.mp4 [95.53MB]

D009.L9 How are you today 好友见面,打个招呼吧.mp4 [72.46MB]

D010.L10 Look at…… 你我他和她,高矮胖瘦各不同.mp4 [124.56MB]

D011.L11 Is this your shirt 咦 这是谁的衬衫 是你的吗.mp4 [104.37MB]

D012.L12 Whose is this…… 询问东西是否属于某人.mp4 [117.92MB]

D013.L13 A new dress 你的新连衣裙是什么颜色的.mp4 [95.18MB]

D014.L14 what colours your……如何询问和回答物品是什么颜色.mp4 [113.85MB]

D015.L15 Your passports,please 入关时会问到什么呢.mp4 [142.66MB]

D016.L16 Are you …… 如何询问物品的归属及颜色.mp4 [160.88MB]

D017.L17 Hou do you do 和亲同事见面,你好.mp4 [118.34MB]

D018.L18 What are their jobs 他们是做什么工作的.mp4 [127.58MB]

D019.L19 Tired and thirsty 该怎么办呢 我又累又渴.mp4 [113.87MB]

D020.L20 Look at them 学会使用反义词陈述事物的状态.mp4 [118.69MB]

D021.L21 Which book 你要的是这个吗 不不不,我要 .mp4 [88.95MB]

D022.L22 Give me a …… 如何指明想要的东西在哪里 .mp4 [118.90MB]

D023.L23 Which glasses 你要的是这些吗 不不不,我要 .mp4 [114.35MB]

D024.L24 Give me a …… 如何指明想要的东西在 .mp4 [105.79MB]

D025.L25 Mrs.Smiths kitchen 来看看史密斯太太家的大厨房吧[zhiku66.com].mp4 [136.71MB]

D026.L26 Where is it 它是什么样的 它在哪儿 .mp4 [297.55MB]

D027.L27 Mrs.Smiths living room来瞧瞧史密斯太太家的客厅吧 .mp4 [198.93MB]

D028.L28 Where are they 它们在哪儿 周围都有些什么东西.mp4 [352.65MB]

D029.L29 Come in,Amy 和艾米一起打扫卧室吧 .mp4 [109.73MB]

D030.L30 What must I do 我该做些什么呢 .mp4 [93.89MB]

D031.L31 Wheres Sally 谁在花园里 都在做什么呢 .mp4 [107.87MB]

D032.L32 Whats he doing 如何表达某人正在做某事 .mp4 [133.64MB]

D033.L33 A fine day 风和日丽的一天,琼斯一家都在.mp4 [92.28MB]

D034.L34 What are they doing 如何表达一些人正在做某事 .mp4 [315.86MB]

D035.L35 Our village 看看我拍的照片 都照了些什么 1.mp4 [139.47MB]

D036.L36 Where…… 如何表达某人正在某地做某事 .mp4 [263.09MB]

D037.L37 Making a bookcase 怎么做个精致的书架送给女儿 .mp4 [273.43MB]

D038.L38 What are you going to 区别准备做某事和正在做某事.mp4 [92.48MB]

D039.L39 Dont drop it 小心 不要摔了我的花瓶 .mp4 [214.66MB]

D040.L40 What are you going to do 如何询问和回答某人准备做什么事 .mp4 [98.09MB]

D041.L41 Pennys bag 彭妮的提包都装了什么好吃的 .mp4 [248.27MB]

D042.L42 Is there a ……on that…… 如何精确地询问什么位置上有什么 .mp4 [232.94MB]

D043.L43 Hurry up 跟着Sam和Penny 来沏茶吧 .mp4 [208.74MB]

D044.L44 Are there any …… 如何精确地询问什么位置上有一些什么 .mp4 [278.27MB]

D045.L45 The bosss letter Pamela苦恼地看着老板的信 .mp4 [215.28MB]

D046.L46 Can you…… 如何表达自己能做什么,不能做什么.mp4 [209.88MB]

D047.L47 A cup of coffee 家里来客人了,怎么招待她好呢 .mp4 [226.82MB]

D048.L48 Do you like …… 如何询问对方喜欢什么东西.mp4 [253.11MB]

D049.L49 At the butchers 跟着Bird 夫人来肉店买肉吧 .mp4 [284.58MB]

D050.L50 He likes…… 如何表达某人喜欢或是不喜欢什么 .mp4 [220.40MB]

D051. Review1-1 第一阶段复习一.mp4 [275.41MB]

D052. Review1-2 第一阶段复习二.mp4 [210.63MB]

D053. Review1-3 第一阶段复习三.mp4 [242.55MB]

D054 L51-1 A pleasant climate 怎样有格调的表达四季的气候呢.mp4 [348.37MB]

D055.L51-2 A pleasnat climate 怎样有格调地表达四季的气候呢.mp4 [256.36MB]

D056.L52 What nationality are they 他们来自哪个国家呢 .mp4 [232.14MB]

D057.L53-1 An interesting climate 如何讨论有趣的气候呢(上).mp4 [194.82MB]

D058.L53-2 An interesting climate 如何讨论有趣的气候呢(下).mp4 [227.35MB]

D059.L54 What nationality are they 认识下来自世界各地的朋友吧.mp4 [204.16MB]

D060.L55-1 The Sawyer family 索耶一家人平常的一天(上).mp4 [228.48MB]

D061.L55-2 The Sawyer family 索耶一家人平常的一天(下).mp4 [203.22MB]

D062.L56 What do they usually do 一天的日程安排怎么说 .mp4 [238.94MB]

D063.L57-1 An unusual day 索耶一家人不平常 的一天(上).mp4 [186.05MB]

D064.L57-2 An unusual day 索耶一家人不平常 的一天(下).mp4 [186.12MB]

D065.L58 Whats the time 不走寻常路的安排怎么说.mp4 [205.17MB]

D066.L59 Is that all 到文具店买东西怎么说 .mp4 [242.83MB]

D067.L60 Whats the time 如何询问别人有没有什么东西.mp4 [251.86MB]

D068.L61 A bad cold 吉米得了重感冒.mp4 [269.03MB]

D069 Whats the matter with them.mp4 [104.41MB]

D070 Thank you doctor.mp4 [99.88MB]

D071.L64 Dont…… You mustnt…… 禁止别人做什么事怎么说.mp4 [229.60MB]

D072.L65 Not a baby 吉尔出去玩耍想晚点回家.mp4 [204.30MB]

D073.L66 Whats the time 你的生日是哪一天.mp4 [239.27MB]

D074.L67-1 The weekend 约翰逊夫妇周末的安排 .mp4 [207.44MB]

D075.L67-2 The weekend 约翰逊夫妇周末的安排-下.mp4 [205.19MB]

D076.L68 Whats the time 如何询问别人在过去的时间点在…….mp4 [207.15MB]

D077.L69 The car race 观看一场盛大的汽车比赛.mp4 [252.40MB]

D078.L70 When were they there 询问别人什么时候在那里.mp4 [155.74MB]

D079.L71-1 Hes awful 如何生动地吐槽一个令人讨厌的.mp4 [154.64MB]

D080.L71-2 Hes awful 如何生动地吐槽一个令人讨厌的[zhiku66.com].mp4 [179.61MB]

D081.L72 When did you……如何表达什么时候做了什么.mp4 [213.36MB]

D082.L73 The way to King Street 和米尔斯一起寻找去国王街的路.mp4 [248.81MB]

D083.L74 What did they do 如何表达他曾经都做了…….mp4 [206.79MB]

D084.L75 Umcomfortable shoes 这位女士买鞋的时候发生了什么.mp4 [215.42MB]

D085.L76 When did you…… 如何表达在过去的时间点做的事.mp4 [185.34MB]

D086.L77 Terrible toothache 克罗夫特先生牙痛犯了,他能及时.mp4 [167.24MB]

D087.L78 When did you…… 如何表达在不同的时间做什么事.mp4 [233.78MB]

D088.L79 Carols shopping list 卡罗尔的购物清单上有什么.mp4 [452.36MB]

D089.L80 I must go go the…… 如何表示必须去哪里做什么事.mp4 [236.53MB]

D090.L81 Roast beef and potatods 萨姆去汤姆家拜访时发生了什么.mp4 [211.08MB]

D091.L82 I had……如何灵活使用had表示吃喝从事…….mp4 [229.66MB]

D092.L83-1 Going on holiday 今年萨姆去了什么地方度假-上.mp4 [156.34MB]

D093.L83-2 Going on holiday 今年萨姆去了什么地方度假-下.mp4 [179.94MB]

D094.L84 Have you had…… 如何灵活运用had表达已经…….mp4 [230.68MB]

D095.L85 Paris in the spring 如何在对话中讨论电影呢.mp4 [162.50MB]

D096.L86 What have you done 如何表达某人已经做了什么.mp4 [185.12MB]

D097.L87 A car crash 伍德先生撞坏的车修好了吗.mp4 [213.55MB]

D098.L88 Have you……yet 如何使用yet表达已经……了吗.mp4 [135.87MB]

D099.L89 For sale 听听买卖房子的双方的对话.mp4 [213.02MB]

D100.L90 Have you……yet 灵活使用yet表达已经……了吗.mp4 [161.42MB]

D101.L91 Poor Ian 可怜的伊恩.mp4 [187.03MB]

D102.L92 When will……如何询问别人将来的打算.mp4 [144.94MB]

D103.L93 Our new neighbour我们的新邻居是个飞行员.mp4 [198.65MB]

D104.L94 When did you go to……你过去在什么时候去……mp4.mp4 [218.54MB]

D105.L95 Tickets,please 乔治和肯怎么误了火车呢.mp4 [203.90MB]

D106.L96 Whats the exact time如何表达确切的时间点.mp4 [141.74MB]

D107.L97 A small blue case 霍尔先生有没有要回他的蓝色小箱.mp4 [190.97MB]

D108.L98 Whose is it 如何询问一个或一些东西是否属于谁.mp4 [170.21MB]

D109.L99 Ow安迪怎么了 他需要去看医生吗.mp4 [206.52MB]

D110.L00 He says that……如何转述别人说的话.mp4 [156.24MB]

D111.Review2-1 第二阶段复习一.mp4 [128.88MB]

D112.Review2-2 第二阶段复习二.mp4 [175.97MB]

D113.Review2-3 第二阶段复习三.mp4 [122.68MB]

D114.Review2-4 第二阶段复习四.mp4 [80.38MB]

D115.L01-1 A card from Jimmy 吉米在明信片里写了什么.mp4 [187.04MB]

D116.L101-2 A card from Jimn 吉米在明信片里写了什么-下(1).mp4 [162.45MB]

D117.L102.He says he …… 如何使用间接引语.mp4 [130.57MB]

D118.L103 The French test 如何谈论考试考得怎样.mp4 [244.81MB]

D119.L104 Too very emough 如何用Too very emough加强语气.mp4 [157.54MB]

D120.L105 Full of mistakes老板送了桑德拉什么礼物.mp4 [157.85MB]

D121.L106 Iwant you to do sth.如何表达不定式的肯定及否定形式 .mp4 [155.50MB]

D122.L107-1 Its too small 这位女士想要什么样的衣服(上).mp4 [141.01MB]

D123.L107-2 Its too small 这位女士想要什么样的衣服(下).mp4 [133.08MB]

D124.L108 How do they compare 如何使用形容词的比较级.mp4 [171.95MB]

D125.L109 A good idea 夏洛特给了简什么好建议.mp4 [170.17MB]

D126.L110 How do they compare 如何使用形容词的比较级和最高级.mp4 [119.69MB]

D127.L111 The most expensive model弗里斯先生用分期付款买了电视机.mp4 [193.89MB]

D128.L112 How do they compare 如何表达像……一样.mp4 [151.70MB]

D129.L113 Small change 百万富翁没有零钱乘车.mp4 [189.35MB]

D130.L114 Ive git none 如何表达某人也有没有某物.mp4 [133.27MB]

D131.L15 Knock knock 吉姆只能喝什么饮料.mp4 [186.58MB]

D132.L116 Every no any and some 如何使用不定代词.mp4 [144.59MB]

D133.L117-1 Tonnys breakfast 小汤米把硬币吃下去了-上.mp4 [145.65MB]

D134.L117-2 Tonnys breakfast 小汤米把硬币吃下去了-下.mp4 [171.06MB]

D135.L18 .what were you doing 如何表达 过去同时发生的两个动作.mp4 [168.08MB]

D136.L119-1 A true story 多亏了鹦鹉 小偷逃走了-上.mp4 [149.99MB]

D137.L119-2 A true story 多亏了鹦鹉 小偷逃走了-下.mp4 [135.48MB]

D138.L120 It had already happened 如何使用过去完成时.mp4 [152.25MB]

D139.L121-1 The man in a hat 卡罗琳看帽子识顾客-上.mp4 [135.92MB]

D140.L121-2 The man in a hat 卡罗琳看帽子识顾客-下.mp4 [152.09MB]

D141.L122 Who(whom)which and that 如何在定语从句中使用关系代词.mp4 [183.38MB]

D142.L123-1 A trip to Australia 那个长着络腮胡子的人是谁(上).mp4 [136.14MB]

D143.L123-2 A trip to Australia 那个长着络腮胡子的人是谁(下).mp4 [169.35MB]

D144.L124(Who which and that) 那些定语从句中可以省略的关系.mp4 [128.10MB]

D145.L125 Tea for two 喝茶还是浇水 对彼得来说是一个.mp4 [155.83MB]

D146.L126 Have to and do not need to 如何使用 have to 和 do not need to.mp4 [176.61MB]

D147.L127-1 A famous actress 女人的年龄是秘密-上.mp4 [122.37MB]

D148.L127-2 A famous actress 女人的年龄是秘密-下.mp4 [93.96MB]

D149.L128 He cant be……如何使用cant be .mp4 [138.74MB]

D150.L129-1 Seventy miles an hour 下次记得开慢点-上.mp4 [113.80MB]

D151.L129-2 Seventy miles an hour 下次记得开慢点-下.mp4 [145.89MB]

D152.L130 He cant have been 如何推测过去的事情是否发生.mp4 [99.92MB]

D153.L131 Dont be so sure 又是一年度假季 计划旅行真头疼.mp4 [142.73MB]

D154.L132 He may be…… 如何使用may进行推测.mp4 [151.11MB]

D155.L133 Sensational news 爆炸性消息 女明星要息影[zhiku66.com].mp4 [172.60MB]

D156.L134 He said (that)he……如何转述过去某人说的话.mp4 [162.45MB]

D157.L135-1 The latest report 独家揭秘 女明星息影的原因-上.mp4 [187.04MB]

D158.L135-2 The latest report 独家揭秘 女明星息影的原因-下.mp4 [162.45MB]

D159.mp4 [102.70MB]

D160[zhiku66.com].mp4 [81.31MB]

D161.mp4 [73.90MB]

D162.mp4 [61.10MB]

D163.mp4 [61.31MB]

D164.mp4 [49.73MB]

D165.mp4 [54.02MB]

D166.mp4 [50.49MB]

D167.mp4 [60.81MB]

D168.mp4 [63.70MB]

D169.mp4 [65.36MB]

D170.mp4 [75.44MB]

D171.mp4 [65.40MB]

D172.mp4 [58.99MB]

D173.mp4 [53.44MB]

D174.mp4 [47.56MB]

D175.mp4 [49.51MB]

D176.mp4 [52.41MB]

D177.mp4 [43.28MB]


L100-1 Review 2-1 第二阶段复习一.m4a [3.04MB]

L100-2 Review 2-2 第二阶段复习二.m4a [3.20MB]

L100-3 Review 2-3 第二阶段复习三.m4a [2.38MB]

L100-4 Review 2-4 第二阶段复习四.m4a [1.38MB]

L100Hesaysthat…Shesaysthat…Theysaythat….m4a [2.93MB]

L101-1AcardfromJimmy.m4a [2.57MB]

L101-2AcardfromJimmy.m4a [2.16MB]

L102Hesayshe…Shesaysshe…Theysaythey….m4a [2.16MB]

L103TheFrenchtest.m4a [3.56MB]

L104Too,very,enough.m4a [2.19MB]

L105Fullofmistakes.m4a [2.14MB]

L106Iwantyouhimherthemto…Tellhimherthemto….m4a [1.82MB]

L107-1Itstoosmall.m4a [2.53MB]

L107-2Itstoosmall.m4a [1.96MB]

L108Howdotheycompare.m4a [2.70MB]

L109Agoodidea.m4a [2.65MB]

L10Lookat…[zhiku66.com].m4a [4.25MB]

L110Howdotheycompare.m4a [2.03MB]

L111Themostexpensivemodel.m4a [2.90MB]

L112Howdotheycompare.m4a [2.21MB]

L113Smallchange.m4a [2.70MB]

L114Ivegotnone.m4a [2.14MB]

L115Knock,knock.m4a [3.02MB]

L116Every,no,anyandsome.m4a [1.96MB]

L117-1Tommysbreakfast.m4a [2.67MB]

L117-2Tommysbreakfast.m4a [2.45MB]

L118Whatwereyoudoing.m4a [2.90MB]

L119-1Atruestory.m4a [2.79MB]

L119-2Atruestory.m4a [1.92MB]

L11Isthisyourshirt.m4a [3.85MB]

L120Ithadalreadyhappened.m4a [2.53MB]

L121-1Themaninahat.m4a [2.55MB]

L121-2Themaninahat.m4a [2.15MB]

L122Who(whom),whichandthat.m4a [2.78MB]

L123-1AtriptoAustralia.m4a [2.38MB]

L123-2AtriptoAustralia.m4a [2.29MB]

L124(Whowhom),(which)and(that).m4a [2.10MB]

L125Teafortwo.m4a [2.54MB]

L126Havetoanddonotneedto.m4a [2.25MB]

L127-1Afamousactress.m4a [2.12MB]

L127-2Afamousactress[zhiku66.com].m4a [1.78MB]

L128Hecantbe…Hemustbe….m4a [2.13MB]

L129-1Seventymilesanhour.m4a [2.14MB]

L129-2Seventymilesanhour.m4a [2.28MB]

L12Whoseisthis…Thisismy….m4a [3.57MB]

L130Hecanthavebeen…Hemusthavebeen….m4a [1.54MB]

L131Dontbesosure.m4a [2.23MB]

L132Hemaybe… Hemayhavebeen… Imnotsure.m4a [2.31MB]

L133Sensationalnews.m4a [2.77MB]

L134Hesaid(that)he… Hetoldme(that)he….m4a [2.42MB]

L135-1Thelatestreport.m4a [2.72MB]

L135-2Thelatestreport.m4a [2.03MB]

L136Hesaid(that)he…Hetoldme(that)he….m4a [3.32MB]

L137-1Apleasantdream.m4a [2.55MB]

L137-2Apleasantdream.m4a [1.98MB]

L138If….m4a [1.80MB]

L139-1Isthatyou,John.m4a [1.93MB]

L139-2Isthatyou,John.m4a [2.10MB]

L13Anewdress.m4a [3.33MB]

L140Hewantstoknowifwhywhatwhen.m4a [2.01MB]

L141-1Sallysfirsttrainride.m4a [2.41MB]

L141-2Sallysfirsttrainride.m4a [2.82MB]

L141-3Sallysfirsttrainride.m4a [2.95MB]

L142SomeoneinvitedSallytoaparty-Sallywasinvitedtoaparty.m4a [3.02MB]

L143-1Awalkthroughthewoods.m4a [3.62MB]

L143-2Awalkthroughthewoods.m4a [2.91MB]

L143-3Awalkthroughthewoods.m4a [1.96MB]

L144Hehasntbeenservedyet-Hewillbeservedsoon.m4a [2.52MB]

L145 Review 3-1 第三阶段复习一.m4a [3.17MB]

L146 Review 3-2 第三阶段复习二.m4a [2.75MB]

L147 Review 3-3 第三阶段复习三.m4a [2.79MB]

L148 Review 3-4 第三阶段复习四.m4a [2.48MB]

L14Whatcoloursyour….m4a [3.65MB]

L15Yourpassports,please.m4a [5.25MB]

L16Areyou….m4a [5.61MB]

L17Howdoyoudo.m4a [4.09MB]

L18Whataretheirjobs.m4a [4.32MB]

L19Tiredandthirsty.m4a [1.51MB]

L1Excuseme.m4a [4.20MB]

L20Lookatthem.m4a [3.93MB]

L21Whichbook.m4a [3.06MB]

L22Givemehimherusthema…Whichone.m4a [3.57MB]

L23Whichglasses.m4a [3.58MB]

L24Givemehimherusthemsome…Whichones.m4a [3.15MB]

L25Mrs-Smithskitchen.m4a [4.04MB]

L26Whereisit[zhiku66.com].m4a [4.21MB]

L27Mrs-Smithslivingroom.m4a [2.94MB]

L28Wherearethey.m4a [4.57MB]

L29Comein,Amy.m4a [4.00MB]

L2Isthisyour….m4a [4.23MB]

L30WhatmustIdo.m4a [3.04MB]

L31WheresSally.m4a [3.97MB]

L32Whatshesheitdoing.m4a [3.97MB]

L33Afineday.m4a [3.14MB]

L34Whataretheydoing.m4a [3.77MB]

L35Ourvillage.m4a [3.93MB]

L36Where….m4a [3.23MB]

L37Makingabookcase.m4a [4.15MB]

L38WhatareyougoingtodoWhatareyoudoingnow.m4a [2.48MB]

L39Dontdropit.m4a [3.21MB]

L3Sorry,sir.m4a [4.57MB]

L40WhatareyougoingtodoImgoingto….m4a [3.46MB]

L41Pennysbag.m4a [3.84MB]

L42Isthereaany…inonthat….m4a [2.84MB]

L43Hurryup.m4a [3.12MB]

L44Arethereany…Isthereany….m4a [3.76MB]

L45Thebosssletter.m4a [3.20MB]

L46Canyou….m4a [2.60MB]

L47Acupofcoffee.m4a [3.46MB]

L48Doyoulike…Doyouwant….m4a [3.46MB]

L49Atthebutchers.m4a [4.15MB]

L4Isthisyour….m4a [4.32MB]

L50-1 Review 1-1 第一阶段复习一.m4a [4.41MB]

L50-2 Review 1-2 第一阶段复习二.m4a [3.48MB]

L50-3 Review 1-3 第一阶段复习三.m4a [3.87MB]

L50Helikes…Buthedoesntlike….m4a [2.99MB]

L51-1Apleasantclimate.m4a [3.40MB]

L51-2Apleasantclimate.m4a [4.03MB]

L52WhatnationalityaretheyWheredotheycomefrom.m4a [2.66MB]

L53-1Aninterestingclimate.m4a [2.83MB]

L53-2Aninterestingclimate.m4a [3.13MB]

L54WhatnationalityaretheyWheredotheycomefrom.m4a [2.85MB]

L55-1TheSawyerfamily.m4a [3.48MB]

L55-2TheSawyerfamily.m4a [2.81MB]

L56Whatdotheyusuallydo.m4a [3.07MB]

L57-1Anunusualday.m4a [2.61MB]

L57-2Anunusualday.m4a [2.69MB]

L58Whatsthetime.m4a [2.79MB]

L59Isthatall.m4a [3.38MB]

L5Nicetomeetyou.m4a [4.16MB]

L60Whatsthetime.m4a [3.52MB]

L61Abadcold.m4a [4.11MB]

L62WhatsthematterwiththemWhatmusttheydo.m4a [3.84MB]

L63Thankyou,doctor.m4a [3.59MB]

L64Dont…Youmustnt….m4a [3.12MB]

L65Notababy.m4a [3.01MB]

L66Whatsthetime.m4a [3.72MB]

L67-1Theweekend.m4a [2.89MB]

L67-2Theweekend.m4a [2.91MB]

L68Whatsthetime.m4a [3.04MB]

L69Thecarrace.m4a [3.54MB]

L6Whatmakeisit[zhiku66.com].m4a [2.81MB]

L70Whenweretheythere.m4a [2.66MB]

L71-1Hesawful.m4a [2.28MB]

L71-2Hesawful.m4a [2.63MB]

L72Whendidyou….m4a [3.52MB]

L73ThewaytoKingStreet.m4a [3.65MB]

L74Whatdidtheydo.m4a [2.60MB]

L75Uncomfortableshoes.m4a [3.19MB]

L76Whendidyou….m4a [2.81MB]

L77Terribletoothache.m4a [2.41MB]

L78Whendidyou….m4a [3.09MB]

L79Carolsshoppinglist.m4a [3.94MB]

L7Areyouateacher.m4a [4.29MB]

L80Imustgotothe….m4a [3.07MB]

L81Roastbeefandpotatoes.m4a [3.37MB]

L82Ihad….m4a [3.02MB]

L83-1Goingonholiday.m4a [2.67MB]

L83-2Goingonholiday.m4a [2.60MB]

L84Haveyouhad….m4a [3.07MB]

L85Parisinthespring.m4a [2.45MB]

L86Whathaveyoudone.m4a [3.01MB]

L87Acarcrash.m4a [2.88MB]

L88Haveyou… yet.m4a [2.32MB]

L89Forsale.m4a [3.06MB]

L8Whatsyourjob.m4a [2.74MB]

L90Haveyou…yet.m4a [2.76MB]

L91PoorIan.m4a [2.57MB]

L92Whenwill….m4a [1.97MB]

L93Ournewneighbour.m4a [2.52MB]

L94Whendidyouwillyougoto….m4a [2.77MB]

L95Tickets,please.m4a [2.63MB]

L96Whatstheexacttime.m4a [2.45MB]

L97Asmallbluecase.m4a [2.98MB]

L98WhoseisitWhosearethey.m4a [2.48MB]

L99Ow.m4a [3.00MB]

L9Howareyoutoday.m4a [2.48MB]


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新概念知识宝典-Day 139-144[zhiku66.com].pdf [2.27MB]

新概念知识宝典-Day 145-150.pdf [2.27MB]

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新概念知识宝典-Day 157-162[zhiku66.com].pdf [3.10MB]

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新概念知识宝典-Day 19-24.pdf [869.45kB]

新概念知识宝典-Day 2.pdf [548.79kB]

新概念知识宝典-Day 25-30.pdf [1.04MB]

新概念知识宝典-Day 31-36.pdf [931.57kB]

新概念知识宝典-Day 37-42.pdf [985.19kB]

新概念知识宝典-Day 3[zhiku66.com].pdf [383.83kB]

新概念知识宝典-Day 4.pdf [459.81kB]

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新概念知识宝典-Day 49-54.pdf [1.37MB]

新概念知识宝典-Day 5.pdf [418.82kB]

新概念知识宝典-Day 55-60.pdf [1.12MB]

新概念知识宝典-Day 6.pdf [464.55kB]

新概念知识宝典-Day 61-66.pdf [1.17MB]

新概念知识宝典-Day 67-72.pdf [1.15MB]

新概念知识宝典-Day 7-12.pdf [1.00MB]

新概念知识宝典-Day 73-78.pdf [1.11MB]

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新概念知识宝典-Day 85-90.pdf [1.07MB]

新概念知识宝典-Day 91-96.pdf [1.18MB]

新概念知识宝典-Day 97-102.pdf [1.22MB]



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