



雪梨老师新概念英语第二册课程夯实英语基础,突破学习瓶颈,听说读写全面进阶,英语水平更上一层楼。你将收获3500词汇量,10 大基本词性,300关键句型句式,8 大基本时态。课程采用问题导入,启迪学习,拔高能力;精讲词汇,举一反三,灵活运用;语法讲解进阶,大量辨析和拓展;注重句法练习,助力写作;逐句带读,练就流利口语。





04.内容丰富不单调:以 96 篇小故事为素材,感受中等难度的英语文章,掌握高频词汇 3000—3500。



新概念英语 第2册.pdf [16.84MB]


01.Lesson 01A private conversation 私人谈话.mp4 [284.45MB]

02.Lesson 02Breakfast or lunch? 早餐还是午餐?.mp4 [302.71MB]

03.Iesson 03Pleasc send me a card 请给我寄一张明信片.mp4 [285.99MB]

04.Lesson 04An exciting trip 激动人心的旅行.mp4 [300.46MB]

05.Lesson 05No wrong numbers 无错号之虞.mp4 [236.85MB]

06.Iesson 06Percy Buttons 珀西・巴顿斯.mp4 [235.49MB]

07Iesson 07Too late 为时太晚.mp4 [200.99MB]

08.Iesson 08The best and the worst 最好的和最差的.mp4 [260.91MB]

09.Lesson 09A cold welcome 冷遇.mp4 [229.17MB]

10.Lessou 10Not for jazz 不适于演奏爵士乐.mp4 [264.63MB]

11.Lesson IIOne good turn deserves another 礼尚往来.mp4 [209.20MB]

12.Iesson 12Goodbye and good luck 再见,一路顺风.mp4 [218.67MB]

13.Iesson 13The Grrenwood Boys 绿林少年.mp4 [219.11MB]

14Lesson 14Do you speak English? 你会讲英语吗.mp4 [254.55MB]

15.Good news 佳音.mp4 [204.55MB]

16.Lesson 16A polite request 彬彬有礼的要求.mp4 [235.04MB]

17.Lessun 17Always young 青春常驻.mp4 [233.08MB]

18.Lesson 18He often dors this! 他经常千这种事!.mp4 [199.64MB]

19.Lesson 19Sold out 票已售完.mp4 [212.97MB]

20.Lesson 20One man in a boat 独坐弧舟.mp4 [244.77MB]

21.Lesson 21Mlad or not? 是不是疯了?.mp4 [206.73MB]

22.Lesson 22A glass envelope 玻璃信封.mp4 [229.58MB]

23.Lesson 23A new house 新居It could be worse 不幸中之万幸.mp4 [215.85MB]

24.It could be worse 不幸中之万幸.mp4 [194.33MB]

25.Lesson 25Do the English speak English? 英国人讲的是英语吗?.mp4 [241.28MB]

26.Lesson26 The best art critics 最佳美术评论家.mp4 [284.01MB]

27.Lesson 27A wrt night 雨夜.mp4 [275.23MB]

28.Lesson 28No parking 禁止停车.mp4 [261.26MB]

29.Lesson 29Taxi 出租汽车!.mp4 [320.20MB]

30.Lesson 30Fouthall or polo? 足球还是水球?.mp4 [246.22MB]

31.Lesson 31Success story 成功者的故事.mp4 [329.77MB]

32.Leson32 Shopping made easy 购物变得很方便.mp4 [286.52MB]

33.Lasson33 Out of the darkness 冲出黑略.mp4 [313.26MB]

34.Lesson34 Quick work 破案 “神速”.mp4 [292.57MB]

35.Lesson 35Stop thief! 提贼!.mp4 [327.46MB]

36.Lesson36 Across the Channel 横渡海峡.mp4 [336.70MB]

37.Lesson 37The Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会.mp4 [303.46MB]

38.Lesson 38Everything except the weather 唯独没有考虑到天气.mp4 [320.24MB]

39.lesson39 Am I all right? 我是否痊愈:.mp4 [320.08MB]

40.Lesson 40Food and talk 进餐与交谈.mp4 [286.61MB]

41.Lesson41 Do you call that a hat? 你把那个叫帽子吗?.mp4 [323.24MB]

42.Lesson 42Not very musical 并非很懂音乐.mp4 [248.84MB]

43.Lesson43 Over the South Pole 飞越南极.mp4 [353.69MB]

44.Lesson44Through the forest 穿过森林.mp4 [305.61MB]

45.Lesson45 A clear conscience 间 – 心无愧.mp4 [333.57MB]

46.Lesson 46Expensive and uncomfortable 既昂贵又受罪.mp4 [359.33MB]

47.Lesson 47A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂.mp4 [375.97MB]

48.Lesson 48Did you want to tell me something? 你想对我说什么.mp4 [324.35MB]

49.Lesson49 The end of a dream 美梦告终.mp4 [351.86MB]

50.Lesson50 ‘Taken for a ride 乘车兜风.mp4 [372.17MB]

51.Lesson5I Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏.mp4 [449.68MB]

52.Lesson 52A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯.mp4 [371.79MB]

53.Lesso53Hot snake 触电的蛇.mp4 [308.38MB]

54.Lesson 54Sticky fiugers 粘糊的手指.mp4 [343.31MB]

55.Lesson55 Not a gold mine 并非金矿.mp4 [436.66MB]

56.Lesson 56Faster than sound! 比声音还快!.mp4 [338.57MB]

57.Lesson57 Can I help you,madam? 你要买什么,夫人?.mp4 [411.45MB]

58.Lesson 58A biessing in disguise? 是因祸得福吗?.mp4 [392.48MB]

59.Lesson59 In or out? 进来还是出去?.mp4 [275.27MB]

60.Lesson60 The future 卜算未来.mp4 [302.54MB]

61.Lesson6 I Trouble with the Hubble 哈勃望远镜的困境.mp4 [361.60MB]

62.Lesson62 After the fire 大火之后.mp4 [414.93MB]

63.Lesson63 She was not amused 她并不觉得好笑.mp4 [421.76MB]

64.Lesson64 The Channel Tunncl 海峡隧道.mp4 [457.59MB]

65.Iesson65 Jumbo versus the police 小象对警察.mp4 [413.48MB]

66.Lesson66 Sweet as honey! 像蜜一样甜!.mp4 [474.73MB]

67.Lesson67 Voleanoes 火山.mp4 [391.21MB]

68.Lesson 68 Persistent 纠缠不休.mp4 [446.50MB]

69.Lesson 69But not murder! 并非谋杀!.mp4 [332.17MB]

70.Lesson 70Red for danger 危险的红色.mp4 [421.69MB]

71.Lesson 71A famous clock 一个著名的大钟.mp4 [409.28MB]

72.Iesson 72A car called Bluebird“蓝鸟”汽车.mp4 [393.13MB]

73.Lesson 73The record-holder 纪录保持者.mp4 [452.94MB]

74.Lesson 74Out of the limelight 舞台之外.mp4 [480.29MB]

75.Iesson 75SOS 呼救信号.mp4 [457.02MB]

76.Iesson 76April Fools‘Day 愚人节.mp4 [439.67MB]

77.Lesson 77A successful operation 一例成功的手术.mp4 [577.29MB]

78.Lesson 78The last one? 最后一枝吗?.mp4 [498.57MB]

79.Lesson 79By air 乘飞机.mp4 [460.15MB]

80.Lesson 80The Crystal Palace 水晶宫.mp4 [538.46MB]

81.Lesson 81Escape 脱逃.mp4 [445.12MB]

82.Lesson 82Monster or fish? 是妖还是鱼?.mp4 [534.60MB]

83.Lesson 83After the elections 大选之后.mp4 [446.63MB]

84.Lesson84 On strike 罢工.mp4 [501.43MB]

85.Lesson 85Never too old to learn 活到老学到老.mp4 [499.16MB]

86.Lesson 86Out of control 失控.mp4 [474.97MB]

87.Lesson 87A perfect alibi 极好的不在犯罪现场的证据.mp4 [404.70MB]

88.Lesson 88Trapped in a mine 困在矿井里.mp4 [418.42MB]

89.Lesson 89A slip of the tongue 口误.mp4 [367.08MB]

90.Lesson 90What s for supper? 晚餐吃什么?.mp4 [459.95MB]

91.Lesson 91Three men in a basket 三人同蓝.mp4 [352.68MB]

92.Lesson 92Asking for trouble 自找麻烦.mp4 [489.85MB]

93.Lesson 93A noble gift 崇高的礼物.mp4 [421.01MB]

94.Lesson 94Future champions 未来的冠军.mp4 [511.92MB]

95.Lesson 95A fantasy 纯属虚构.mp4 [561.28MB]

96.Iesson 96The dead return 亡灵返乡.mp4 [452.80MB]


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95.mp3 [2.66MB]

96.mp3 [1.90MB]




01-A Private Conversation.lrc [923B]

01-A Private Conversation.mp3 [1.42MB]

02-Breakfast or Lunch.lrc [919B]

02-Breakfast or Lunch.mp3 [1.46MB]

03-Please Send Me a Card.lrc [847B]

03-Please Send Me a Card.mp3 [1.38MB]

04-An Exciting Trip.lrc [820B]

04-An Exciting Trip.mp3 [1.23MB]

05-No Wrong Numbers.lrc [858B]

05-No Wrong Numbers.mp3 [1.36MB]

06-Percy Buttons.lrc [820B]

06-Percy Buttons.mp3 [1.21MB]

07-Too Late.lrc [955B]

07-Too Late.mp3 [1.30MB]

08-The Best and the Worst.lrc [954B]

08-The Best and the Worst.mp3 [1.35MB]

09-A Cold Welcome.lrc [935B]

09-A Cold Welcome.mp3 [1.30MB]

10-Not for Jazz.lrc [811B]

10-Not for Jazz.mp3 [1.18MB]

11-One Good Turn Deserves Another.lrc [844B]

11-One Good Turn Deserves Another.mp3 [1.23MB]

12-Goodbye and Good Luck.lrc [823B]

12-Goodbye and Good Luck.mp3 [1.24MB]

13-The Greenwood Boys.lrc [855B]

13-The Greenwood Boys.mp3 [1.23MB]

14-Do You Speak English.lrc [897B]

14-Do You Speak English.mp3 [1.35MB]

15-Good News.lrc [793B]

15-Good News.mp3 [1.26MB]

16-A Polite Request.lrc [808B]

16-A Polite Request.mp3 [1.32MB]

17-Always Young.lrc [839B]

17-Always Young.mp3 [1.37MB]

18-He Often does This.lrc [794B]

18-He Often does This.mp3 [1.27MB]

19-Sold Out.lrc [950B]

19-Sold Out.mp3 [1.53MB]

20-One Man in a Boat.lrc [934B]

20-One Man in a Boat.mp3 [1.48MB]

21-Mad or Not.lrc [852B]

21-Mad or Not.mp3 [1.39MB]

22-A Glass Envelope.lrc [812B]

22-A Glass Envelope.mp3 [1.31MB]

23-A New House.lrc [851B]

23-A New House.mp3 [1.33MB]

24-It Could be Worse.lrc [866B]

24-It Could be Worse.mp3 [1.41MB]

25-Do the English Speak English.lrc [1.16kB]

25-Do the English Speak English.mp3 [1.84MB]

26-The Best Art Critics.lrc [1.15kB]

26-The Best Art Critics.mp3 [1.74MB]

27-A Wet Night.lrc [1.07kB]

27-A Wet Night.mp3 [1.65MB]

28-No Parking.lrc [1.02kB]

28-No Parking.mp3 [1.62MB]

29-Taxi.lrc [1.11kB]

29-Taxi.mp3 [1.74MB]

30-Football or Polo.lrc [1.02kB]

30-Football or Polo.mp3 [1.52MB]

31-Success Story.lrc [1.12kB]

31-Success Story.mp3 [1.64MB]

32-Shopping Made Easy.lrc [1.20kB]

32-Shopping Made Easy.mp3 [1.65MB]

33-Out of the Darkness.lrc [1.09kB]

33-Out of the Darkness.mp3 [1.54MB]

34-Quick Work.lrc [1.11kB]

34-Quick Work.mp3 [1.60MB]

35-Stop Thief.lrc [1.16kB]

35-Stop Thief.mp3 [1.87MB]

36-Across the Channel.lrc [1.17kB]

36-Across the Channel.mp3 [1.53MB]

37-The Olympic Games.lrc [1.24kB]

37-The Olympic Games.mp3 [1.60MB]

38-Everything Except the Weather.lrc [1.16kB]

38-Everything Except the Weather.mp3 [1.63MB]

39-Am I All Right.lrc [1.20kB]

39-Am I All Right.mp3 [1.67MB]

40-Food and Talk.lrc [1.08kB]

40-Food and Talk.mp3 [1.65MB]

41-Do You Call That a Hat.lrc [1.09kB]

41-Do You Call That a Hat.mp3 [1.65MB]

42-Not Very Musical.lrc [1.06kB]

42-Not Very Musical.mp3 [1.53MB]

43-Over the South Pole.lrc [1.10kB]

43-Over the South Pole.mp3 [1.67MB]

44-Through the Forest.lrc [1.09kB]

44-Through the Forest.mp3 [1.55MB]

45-A Clear Conscience.lrc [1.05kB]

45-A Clear Conscience.mp3 [1.65MB]

46-Expensive and Uncomfortable.lrc [1.08kB]

46-Expensive and Uncomfortable.mp3 [1.75MB]

47-A Thirsty Ghost.lrc [1.06kB]

47-A Thirsty Ghost.mp3 [1.57MB]

48-Did You Want to Tell Me Something.lrc [1.03kB]

48-Did You Want to Tell Me Something.mp3 [1.58MB]

49-The End of a Dream.lrc [1.19kB]

49-The End of a Dream.mp3 [1.79MB]

50-Taken for a Ride.lrc [1.25kB]

50-Taken for a Ride.mp3 [1.81MB]

51-Reward for Virtue.lrc [1.17kB]

51-Reward for Virtue.mp3 [1.77MB]

52-A Pretty Carpet.lrc [1.10kB]

52-A Pretty Carpet.mp3 [1.70MB]

53-Hot Snake.lrc [1.18kB]

53-Hot Snake.mp3 [1.82MB]

54-Sticky Fingers.lrc [1.20kB]

54-Sticky Fingers.mp3 [1.86MB]

55-Not a Gold Mine.lrc [1.19kB]

55-Not a Gold Mine.mp3 [1.85MB]

56-Faster Than Sound.lrc [1.13kB]

56-Faster Than Sound.mp3 [1.77MB]

57-Can I Help You, Madam.lrc [1.26kB]

57-Can I Help You, Madam.mp3 [1.78MB]

58-A Blessing in Disguise.lrc [1.18kB]

58-A Blessing in Disguise.mp3 [1.75MB]

59-In or Out.lrc [1.11kB]

59-In or Out.mp3 [1.75MB]

60-The Future.lrc [1.13kB]

60-The Future.mp3 [1.69MB]

61-Trouble with the Hubble.lrc [1.22kB]

61-Trouble with the Hubble.mp3 [1.79MB]

62-After the Fire.lrc [1.24kB]

62-After the Fire.mp3 [1.81MB]

63-She Was Not Amused.lrc [1.16kB]

63-She Was Not Amused.mp3 [1.73MB]

64-The Channel Tunnel.lrc [1.21kB]

64-The Channel Tunnel.mp3 [1.80MB]

65-Jumbo Versus the Police.lrc [1.19kB]

65-Jumbo Versus the Police.mp3 [1.78MB]

66-Sweet as Honey.lrc [1.23kB]

66-Sweet as Honey.mp3 [1.86MB]

67-Volcanoes.lrc [1.18kB]

67-Volcanoes.mp3 [2.04MB]

68-Persistent.lrc [1.18kB]

68-Persistent.mp3 [1.83MB]

69-But not Murder.lrc [1.18kB]

69-But not Murder.mp3 [1.81MB]

70-Red for Danger.lrc [1.17kB]

70-Red for Danger.mp3 [1.73MB]

71-A Famous Clock.lrc [1.13kB]

71-A Famous Clock.mp3 [1.75MB]

72-A Car Called Bluebird.lrc [1.22kB]

72-A Car Called Bluebird.mp3 [2.00MB]

73-The Record-Holder.lrc [1.27kB]

73-The Record-Holder.mp3 [1.92MB]

74-Out of the Limelight.lrc [1.43kB]

74-Out of the Limelight.mp3 [2.30MB]

75-SOS.lrc [1.26kB]

75-SOS.mp3 [1.97MB]

76-April Fools’ Day.lrc [1.43kB]

76-April Fools’ Day.mp3 [2.13MB]

77-A Successful Operation.lrc [1.27kB]

77-A Successful Operation.mp3 [1.86MB]

78-The Last One.lrc [1.31kB]

78-The Last One.mp3 [2.05MB]

79-By Air.lrc [1.25kB]

79-By Air.mp3 [1.82MB]

80-The Crystal Palace.lrc [1.38kB]

80-The Crystal Palace.mp3 [2.04MB]

81-Escape.lrc [1.31kB]

81-Escape.mp3 [1.93MB]

82-Monster or Fish.lrc [1.26kB]

82-Monster or Fish.mp3 [1.98MB]

83-After the Elections.lrc [1.37kB]

83-After the Elections.mp3 [2.12MB]

84-On Strike.lrc [1.29kB]

84-On Strike.mp3 [1.88MB]

85-Never Too Old To Learn.lrc [1.19kB]

85-Never Too Old To Learn.mp3 [1.81MB]

86-Out of Control.lrc [1.32kB]

86-Out of Control.mp3 [2.00MB]

87-A Perfect Alibi.lrc [1.27kB]

87-A Perfect Alibi.mp3 [1.95MB]

88-Trapped in a Mine.lrc [1.33kB]

88-Trapped in a Mine.mp3 [1.87MB]

89-A Slip of the Tongue.lrc [1.26kB]

89-A Slip of the Tongue.mp3 [1.88MB]

90-What’s for Supper.lrc [1.34kB]

90-What’s for Supper.mp3 [2.02MB]

91-Three Men in a Basket.lrc [1.31kB]

91-Three Men in a Basket.mp3 [1.84MB]

92-Asking for Trouble.lrc [1.36kB]

92-Asking for Trouble.mp3 [2.00MB]

93-A Noble Gift.lrc [1.29kB]

93-A Noble Gift.mp3 [1.94MB]

94-Future Champions.lrc [1.31kB]

94-Future Champions.mp3 [1.89MB]

95-A Fantasy.lrc [1.44kB]

95-A Fantasy.mp3 [2.06MB]

96-The Dead Return.lrc [1.30kB]

96-The Dead Return.mp3 [1.98MB]

guide.pdf [132.99kB]



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