高考时间:2022年6月7日 - 2022年6月8日
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2022届全国100所名校高考模拟 22届高三金典卷生物答案,目前我们已经整理了2022届全国100所名校高考模拟 22届高三金典卷生物答案的各科答案和试卷,更多全国100所名校请关


2022届全国100所名校高考模拟 22届高三金典卷生物答案,目前我们已经整理了2022届全国100所名校高考模拟 22届高三金典卷生物答案的各科答案和试卷,更多全国100所名校请关注本网站。




One possible version

He hesitated, wondering what to do. He remembered that he should turn left at the ample root, Hoyhe hillside stoonple trees, At which point should he turn left? He was completely at a loss.Never did he feel so lonely

He walked on and on, without thinking whether it was the right direction home. So tired was he that he laydown under the tree to have a rest. He was about to give up when he heard the noises, Some ants were walkingin a line, four of them carrying a large cookie on their shoulders. When they approached him, he could tell thathey were his nest-mates, which could be judged from the familiar smell they gave out. One of them touched himth his antennas, asking, Why are you here alone? Anthony told him what had happened. Finally, Anthonylowed his nest-mates and arrived home. Then heaware why they had to stay in line when searching fofood outside

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