绗竴閮ㄥ垎 鍚姏锛堝叡涓よ妭锛屾弧鍒?30 鍒嗭級鍋氶鏃讹紝鍏堝皢绛旀鏍囧湪璇曞嵎涓娿€傚綍闊冲唴瀹圭粨鏉熷悗锛屼綘灏嗘湁涓ゅ垎閽熺殑鏃堕棿灏嗚瘯鍗蜂笂鐨勭瓟妗?杞秱鍒扮瓟棰樺崱涓娿€傜涓€鑺?鍏?5 灏忛锛氭瘡灏忛 1.5 鍒嗭紝婊″垎 7.5 鍒嗭級鍚笅闈?5 娈靛璇濄€傛瘡娈靛璇濆悗鏈変竴涓皬棰橈紝浠庨涓墍缁欑殑 A銆丅銆丆 涓変釜閫夐」涓€夊嚭鏈€浣抽€夐」锛屽苟鏍囧湪璇曞嵎鐨勭浉搴斾綅缃€傚惉瀹屾瘡娈靛璇濆悗锛屼綘閮芥湁 l0 绉掗挓鐨勬椂闂存潵鍥炵瓟鏈夊叧灏忛鍜岄槄璇讳笅涓€灏忛銆傛瘡娈靛璇濅粎璇讳竴閬嶃€備緥:How much is the shit?A. 19.15.B.9.18.C.9.15.绛旀鏄疌銆?/strong>
1锛庯紙1.5鍒嗭級Where is the closest ATM锛?/p>
A. In a bank.
B. Beside a building.
C. On his right.
2锛庯紙1.5鍒嗭級What will the man probably do next锛?/p>
A. Ask the woman for help
B. Fill up the car himself.
C. Pay for the gas first.
3锛庯紙1.5鍒嗭級What are the speakers talking about锛?/p>
A. The final exam.
B. A sport.
C. Computer games.
4锛庯紙1.5鍒嗭級What is the man doing锛?/p>
A. Asking for advice.
B. Seeing a doctor.
C. Working at home.
5锛庯紙1.5鍒嗭級What does the woman think of the mountain锛?/p>
A. Distant.
B. High.
C. Attractive.
绗簩鑺?鍏?15 灏忛锛涙瘡灏忛l. 5 鍒嗭紝婊″垎 22. 5 鍒嗭級鍚笅闈?5 娈靛璇濇垨鐙櫧銆傛瘡娈靛璇濇垨鐙櫧鍚庢湁鍑犱釜灏忛锛屼粠棰樹腑鎵€缁欑殑 A銆丅銆丆 涓変釜閫夐」涓€夊嚭鏈€浣抽€夐」銆傚惉姣忔瀵硅瘽鎴栫嫭鐧藉墠锛屼綘灏嗘湁鏃堕棿闃呰鍚勪釜灏忛锛屾瘡灏忛 5 绉掗挓锛涘惉瀹屽悗锛屽悇灏忛灏嗙粰鍑?5 绉掗挓鐨勪綔绛旀椂闂淬€傛瘡娈靛璇濇垨鐙櫧璇讳袱閬嶃€?/strong>
6锛庯紙3鍒嗭級锛?锛塛hy does the woman call锛?/p>
A. Her TV doesn't work.
B. Her TV service is due.
C. Her TV service bill is wrong.
锛?锛塇ow much should the bill be actually锛?/p>
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