高考时间:2022年6月7日 - 2022年6月8日
当前位置:网站首页 > 综合资讯 > 正文




Remember the new words mentioned in the lesson

能力目标(Language Skill Objectives:)

1.Master and apply the reading strategy —guessing

2.Work out the Exx using the reading strategies

能力发展目标(Multi-capacity Development Objectives):

Improve Ss’abilities of analyzing, observing ,comprehending, inquiring and cooperating .

教学方法(Teaching Methods):

Task-based teaching approach

学生活动(Student Activities):

Individual work /group work Autonomous learning /Inquiry –based learning

教学媒体(Teaching Media):

Multimedia Bb (多媒体教学系统 黑板)

教学过程(Teaching Procedures )

Step 1 Greeting and interaction

Greet and divide groups.

Step 2 Lead in

1.Present the reading abilities required in NEMT ,the types of reading questions as well as the

general question forms .

2. Ask Ss to guess the meanings of the four words twice , one with no sentences and the

other with sentences .

1.ex-wife 2. ocelot 3. penury 4. ravenous

Step 3 Learn and Inquire

Task One

1. Work out the meaning of the unknown or unfamiliar words in the sentences on the learning

sheet by themselves .

2. Have a discussion in group ,trying to find out some strategies in guessing words .

3. Check the keys , guiding Ss to sum up the effective strategies

Step 4 Practise and Compete

Task Two

4. Deal with the Exx of level C ,.,evaluating their grades by themselves

Step 5 Practice and consolidate

Task Three The Exx in the NEMT paper in these past three years

1.Work out the Exx of Level B , checking the keys by having a group competition .

2. Deal with the Exx of Level A ,the ones ,consolidating the reading strategy ---guessing ,

Step 6 Summary

Sum up the reading strategies .

1. Word Formation 1. Word Formation 构词法构词法

4. Similarity 4. Similarity 相似法相似法

2. Definition 2. Definition 定义法定义法

5. Cause and effect 5. Cause and effect 因果法因果法

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