高考时间:2022年6月7日 - 2022年6月8日
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There are times when I leave for my running-group sessions with little enthusiasm. It might be because I’m tired, or stressed, or don’t want to leave something else. But I’m the coach, so I can’t choose to give it a miss.

It was yet another cold, dark, wet evening and I wasn’t feeling the love as I gathered all the necessary equipment. No one in their right mind will come out in this weather, I thought. But when I turned into the car park, my headlights picked out runners making a dash through the rain to our meeting point, where others were already working out to stay warm, with chat, laughter and hugs. They, too, I realized, might be tired, stressed or busy. But, unlike me, they had a choice about whether to come running or stay at home. And that makes their decision to come—and to keep on coming—more encouraging. Then, I went home from the run feeling better than when I’d arrived.

I believe one of the strongest motivations(激励;动机) behind these runners’ decisions to come along is being part of a group. Belonging to a running community makes running greater than running itself. It’s no longer just a workout; it’s a get-together with friends, a laugh and a shared experience. It provides a chance to share your success and disappointments, to be congratulated and comforted, and, just as important, to congratulate and comfort others.

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