高考时间:2022年6月7日 - 2022年6月8日
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2019-2020学年学生双语报高二W版课标II第1期测试题参考答案1-5 CABCA                         6-10 ACCAB             11-15 CCBCA                   16-20 BBACCS00答案圈

21-25 DCDCD                 26-30 BABCC         31-35 DACBC                  36-40 FEGCBS00答案圈

41-45 BCDBD                    46-50 ACBAD           51-55 BCDBA                    56-60 DCBADS00答案圈

61-70 (One possible version)S00答案圈

61. are                           62. activities          63. adding                        64. whichS00答案圈

65. endangered                            66. to protect            67. closely                       68. is sharedS00答案圈

69. a                                 70. forS00答案圈

短文改错(One possible version)S00答案圈

It happened when I was a third-grader. Back then, I was shy about talk in the presence of others, butS00答案圈

talking                    andS00答案圈

I was not very active in anything. When our head teacher Mr. Li made us the class president, thingsS00答案圈

changed. “Can I do it well?” I am worried about it. But Mr. Li encouraged and helped me on manyS00答案圈

was                                               inS00答案圈

ways. It proved to be a turning point in my life. I began to leading others and became a confidentS00答案圈

student. My classmate all looked at me with a new eye. Thanks to him, I have a live personality now.S00答案圈

classmates                                               livelyS00答案圈

Among all the people I have been met so far, no one has impressed me ∧ much as him.S00答案圈

删掉                               asS00答案圈

书面表达 (One possible version)S00答案圈

Dear Sir or Madam,S00答案圈

I am Li Hua, a senior high school student. I have been listening to your English teaching program since I went to middle school, which has helped me a lot. I’d like to express my heartfelt thanks to you here.S00答案圈

Now I have a problem on my English learning, and I want to ask you for help. I never know how to use “opportunity” and “chance” correctly, which may have similar meanings. I would appreciate it very much if you could explain each word to me in detail.S00答案圈

At last, I wonder if you could possibly develop a program that introduces the usages of some synonyms so that we can understand and use them better.S00答案圈

Looking forward to hearing from you.S00答案圈

Yours sincerely,S00答案圈

Li HuaS00答案圈


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